09 August 2012

Towing - rope drops (pictures)

There are 98 gliders, and one rope per glider.  The towplanes do either east entry - for the main runway - or west, for the taxiway operation (Open Class).  They drop the ropes parallel to the runway, but opposite direction.  East drops on the airfield, west, in a field west of the field.

Here are some pictures from The Big White Tent.

 The Cessna has just dropped, and is about to pull up to do a tear-drop pattern.  There is a big pile of ropes there.  Note the Pawnee under the wing of the tied-down aircraft following.  Great radio work by the tuggies.
Here, he's pulled up and starting a right turn, then 3 lefts to line up just east of the main runway.  Taxi to the front of the line, hook up, and go!

As I was having lunch, a young fella was running out each time a towplane pulled up and yelled, "Bang - got you!"  US Army take note - in a few years, your Ground-Based Air Defence Artillery should be getting a recruit!

The Team are out on course... as you know by following Soaring Spot, I'm sure!  They should be back around 4 pm.



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